Paresh Suthar's Radio Weblog
And that's all I have to say about that - Forrest Gump

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Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Ray Ozzie:  Pingback via Dave

I don't have a Discuss link on this blog for a reason: I think that it's a Good Thing that this blog medium is different than a traditional electronic discussion medium - relying on human mechanisms to "spread the word" about interesting referrals, rather than technical mechanisms. I do scan my referrals once in a while to see if there's something that I'm missing, or to get a feel for the quantity of the flow coming from a certain source. I do look at the WebTrends reports on my site, because it gives me a good feeling for what time of day people look at the site, or from what countries or companies. These are great uses of automation. But for organizing discussion .. I'm thinking right now that I'd prefer to stick with human talkback rather than automated pingback.

10:08:03 AM    comment []

Interopability between IM applications

I have read many articles like this one from MSNBC and believe that if the goal is to allow people to communicate via IMs, the following issues must be addressed:

  1. Implementation of standardized protocols - It is not enough to just agree on a protocol design, it must also be a protocol that the IM applications use.

  2. Standardized protocol for finding users - The big players (e.g. Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, etc...) must allow IM users to be found regardless of the application making the request.

  3. Standardized protocol for authenticating users - There should be a way so that users can verify that the sender/receiver of an IM is who they say they are.

  4. Standardized protocol for sending/receiving IMs - This protocol should include how different versions of the protocol should be identified and handled.

  5. Standardized protocol for securing IMs - This protocol should include the specification of the algorithm used for encrypting an IM, along with other relevant data, so that the message can be decrypted.
I know getting #1, #2 and #4 done will be good enough for most users but it's not good enough for me.  I use Groove as my IM application, and I get a private implementation of all of the above as a result.  I really want interopability for other IM applications, but I hope that Groove won't have to "dumb down" the data to achieve this.  Until then, I will have to look at running Groove and other IM applications for interopability.
8:21:09 AM    comment []

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