Updated: 10/18/2005; 6:54:43 PM

  Tuesday, January 18, 2005

No Follow For You!

Google's announced it and we're working on the code for UserLand products: a way to fight comment spam by denying the PageRank.

Other search engines are involved: MSN Search and Yahoo!.

Radio UserLand: RadioExpress

RadioExpress: Updated to include a current link to Mike's RadioExpress bookmarklet.

A link to PocketSOAP

Simon Fell: "PocketSOAP"

PocketSOAP, Simon Fell and Radio UserLand

I discovered a new yet old piece of code while perusing Dave Winer's old Scripting News entries around the launch of Radio UserLand. Thank goodness Radio (and other UserLand products) are built around open standards and formats.

Even though the code is nearly three years old, it still works like a champ. I wrote this post in Word and hit a button--bing!--it's on my Radio weblog.

Update: Well, it's not perfect but worth playing with...


Worth re-reading:


HTML anchors plus relationship label equals no spam?

padawan makes the post I wanted to, firing a guess over the blogosphere's bow about the relationship label in HTML links and Google. We'll have to let the drama play out to find the answer, but if you view the source code of Dave Winer's bloggercon.org site, you'll see the details.