Updated: 10/18/2005; 6:55:47 PM

  Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Springfield Weblogger Meetup

Springfield weblogger meetup tonight at the Mudhouse, a downtown coffee shop and Wi-Fi pioneer. They had it in 2000 when it wasn't the rage that it is now.

Andy Cline, journalism professor at SMSU, already signed up and should be there.

Tampa Bay, FL EarthLink user hitting my server every minute

Update: Fixed--thanks Nick!

To the person in Tampa Bay, FL, USA at IP on EarthLink that is using NewsGator 2.0: please stop hitting my server every minute for my RSS feed. If you don't stop, I'll ban your IP. - - [19/Jan/2005:14:42:15 -0600] "GET /rss.xml HTTP/1.1" 304