Updated: 10/3/2005; 9:00:31 PM

  Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Thanks Ross Rader

Ross Rader is someone I met through the BloggerCon confabs so when I listen to his Random Bytes podcasts, I can't help but smile. I really do get the sense that he's sitting in the room with me, beer/soda/beverage in hand, spinning some tunes and we're talking about random stuff.

Thanks Ross

Retro-retro-retro cell phone

Before cell phones there were radiophones and before that, touch-tone and rotary dial phones. Go all of the way back to the 60's with this hack combining a cell phone and rotary dial phone hardware. Yum!

Russell installs his Mac mini -- a pictorial

Russell Beattie takes us "picture by picture" through his install of the deliciously small Mac mini.

ENT was what you called tags before Technorati

Paolo correctly points out that ENT was alive and kicking before the latest Technorati fad: tags. A Google search through the Radio discussion group ("ent site:radio.userland.com") yields some obvious gems:

Richard's work was in May of 2003 and Marc posted in March of 2004. Before I started my role at UserLand, all of this was "way over my head". Now that I've had a solid year or more inside the code, it looks like I should evaluate ENT for inclusion in the main Radio codebase.

Darth Tater

As Gizmodo posts percolate through Radio's aggregator, gems like this tend to rise to the top: Darth Tater.