RSS Aggregators that are like email mean more work
Hearing about Dare's new beta of [RSS Bandit]( reminds me that I don't like aggregators that [look like email programs]( This is not "rah rah Radio" post, but Radio has an aggregator much like a TiVo: News is added to the list then automatically deleted if it's not posted within a timeframe.
I was worried when I first got my TiVo that I would spend too much time "maintaining it" by adding and deleting shows. Instead, I've found the whole experience liberating. TV passes me by without the false guilt of not watching something. Items in the aggregator do the same, although I have experimented with leaving items in the database until *I* delete them. There are pros and cons, but since I'm a procrastinator at heart, the best thing for me is to read, post and delete. If I don't, I'm just creating more work for myself down the road.