Updated: 10/3/2005; 9:09:07 PM

  Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Carly Fiorina is out as HP CEO

Carly's reign is over. I'm not sure what she did except suck money out of the company and cause controversy.


- [Fiorina resigns as chief of HP](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/4250315.stm) *thanks [Dave](http://scripting.com)* - [Terry Frazier](http://www.terryfrazier.com/1574) - [Don Park](http://www.docuverse.com/blog/donpark/EntryViewPage.aspx?guid=905dc109-0788-4342-9c52-a59f0c4597f0) - [Gizmodo](http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/hp-ceo-carly-fiorina-steps-down-032553.php) - [Tim Jarrett](http://discuss.jarretthousenorth.com/2005/02/09#a4720)

Gruber on Napster - a followup

John Gruber: "The other point I’ll mention is that most people over the age of, say, 25 or so already own most of the music we’re ever going to want. Not all of the music, but most. I’ve bought more music on CDs in the past than I’m going to buy in the future. I know people who own so many CDs they can’t fit their entire libraries on a 40 GB iPod"