Patrick's Radio to Manila tool
Patrick wrote a Radio tool about a year ago that will convert a Radio site to a Manila weblog. He notes last week that he's polishing it up. Good news.
Here you'll find postings on my work with Radio, scoops on new features and inside information about the software
Patrick wrote a Radio tool about a year ago that will convert a Radio site to a Manila weblog. He notes last week that he's polishing it up. Good news.
Paul Boutin is a long time weblogger I met at Stanford during BloggerCon III and I've been reading him ever since. He always seems to point to the things I want to see but miss like his February 9th post pointing to USAToday's coverage of podcasting including mentions of Dawn and Drew.
[Andrew Grumet]( mentions a new experimental license from ASCAP for podcasters. Looks like a positive step.
Dave Sifry mentions many things in a short post from the 7th including the ability to [add a search form]( to your weblog with Technorati as the backend.
Darren Barefoot's February 4th seminar called "Building 21st Century Websites with Blogs and RSS" at eBC I finally had the chance to download the slides and review the content. Radio UserLand was mentioned as a "popular option" when considering weblogs as a tool to produce RSS. Thanks, Darren!
Rogers Cadenhead on the new Google toolbar. [Scripting News]
I posted a couple of days ago [asking for stories]( about UserLand's original subhonkers. Anyone out there with good memories? Brent Simmons? Robert Scoble? Andre Radke?