[Johnathan Schwartz:](http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/jonathan/20050304#developer_feedback) "Personally, I love these events - I always learn from the experience. But they're normally reserved for C[x]O's, a pattern we decided to change this year. Why? Read [this](http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/jonathan/20040825) and [this](http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/jonathan/20041021#on_the_importance_of_constituencies) for a discussion on the shifting IT power base, and the value of understanding constituencies (vs. traditional hierarchies). The world is changing, and these are some of the folks doing the changing."
Tim Jarrett and Radio's Future
[Tim Jarrett](http://discuss.jarretthousenorth.com/2005/03/04#a4842) points to a recent post of mine where I [mention Radio's vision statement](http://houseofwarwick.com/2005/03/04.html#a1265) and talk a bit about history. I've been thinking about the software daily for nearly two years and working with UserLand for the last 12 odd months and it took this long for me to "nail it" down.
- Posted by Steve Kirks - 11:07:26 AM - comments [] -