Yahoo! 360 Roundup
John Battelle: "The time is right for me-centric community - a way for you to get the information and connections you want, without giving up control of your information. Yahoo! 360° lets you control not just what you see but what others can see about you."
Roland Tanglao: "Yahoo! 360 looks less lame than MSN Spaces was at the start."
Marc Cantor: "No they didn't get completely right- but it does successfully combine these two latest technology aspects - which each have been hailed as new 'spaces' (marketplaces, trends, what have you.)"
Russell Beattie: "Though I think the service is good, I'd be lying if I said I thought it was perfect. First, I wish there was more stress on *blogging*, as right now it seems more focused on networking and sharing."
Tristan Louis: "While some integration points are pretty solid (Yahoo! messenger, Yahoo! Launch, Yahoo! local, and the Yahoo! photo service seem well integrated), others are major misses. For example, why is it that this service has a different mailbox than my already existing Yahoo! mailbox?"