Updated: 10/3/2005; 9:25:04 PM

  Monday, March 07, 2005

A rebuttal for Michael Hiltzik's article

Sent to Michael Hiltzik from the LA Times about his [recent article](http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-golden7mar07,1,5238250.column?ctrack=1&cset=true):


You seem to have missed considering other weblog tools including pioneering products from UserLand Software (http://userland.com/). We have thousands of active webloggers using our desktop product Radio UserLand (http://radio.userland.com/) or our group server-based content management system, Manila (http://manila.userland.com/).

Your statement:

"But considering that it's hard to find many weblogs, save for the most rudimentary, that don't run on Movable Type, it's not a stretch to say the product is probably the world's leading blogging tool."

...is especially disturbing considering the sheer number of widely read and influential webloggers that *don't* use MovableType or TypePad. Please consider reviewing the material compiled by Elise Bauer (http://www.elise.com/web/a/weblog_tools_market_update_february_2005.php).

I realize that your article was more editorial than informative, but dismissive statements like the one cited above are destructive to your credibility and to the businesses involved.

[Dave Winer](http://archive.scripting.com/2005/03/07#googleDesktopSearchApi): "Google is the new Microsoft. I'm interested in end-runs around Google."