Updated: 10/3/2005; 9:27:29 PM

  Thursday, March 24, 2005

Optimize Upstream Project


I'm looking for developers in the group to participate in an upstreaming optimization project. We'll be analyzing the process from "top to bottom" in an effort to rewrite and refactor the code as needed.

This will be a lightning fast team project, trying to achieve great things in a short time.


Faster upstreaming, less processor usage, no breakage with expected upstreaming behavior.

Reply to this message by 12PM Central Time (-6 GMT) on Friday, March 25. We'll have an IM conference session within an hour of the deadline to set goals and deadlines. We'll work using WebEdit to handle code and document our progress here for all to follow.

Who's in? We'll define a sucess goal and if we meet it, all participants will be rewarded with extended Radio subscriptions and/or extra licenses or something equitable (let me know that is).