Book Reviews
![]() Ted Koppel On The Dangers Of The Patriot Act: "Ted Koppel put together an amazing Nightline where he interviewed folks from the ACLU and the Justice Department, among others -- and was able to paint a frighteningly accurate picture of the Patriot Act and its new bastard brother, the Victory Act." [On Lisa Rein's Radar]
![]() The pixel turns 50.: "The article, written in anticipation of the pixel’s 50th anniversary next year, is a very nice piece on the history and use of pixels as design elements." [mamamusings]
![]() iPod: "These are all minor nits; the thing is well worth the money. There is something magical about having every single piece of music in your collection available with the touch of a finger. I expect the iPod to last me at least two years, or until the inevitable convergence occurs when I can get a single pocket-sized device which combines PPC, Phone, WiFi, 2Mpx Camera, and 30GB drive." [Better Living Through Software]