Book Reviews
![]() Toshiba's Five-Megapixel PDR-5300: "It has a 5.0 megapixel CCD, 3X optical zoom lens with a wide aperture range, noise reduction technology, user-selectable shutter speeds, plus full manual control." [Digital Photography Review (]
![]() Mac OS X: an option that's enterprise-worthy: "Perhaps the most compelling reason to consider Mac OS X is astoundingly simple: It[base ']s a Unix-based system that runs software such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop. First and foremost, overall security is much easier to tackle than with Windows..." [The Macintosh News Network]
![]() Keynote Plays Ball With PowerPoint: "I've removed PowerPoint from my Mac notebook; Keynote does it all. Watch for more and more people using Keynote." (O'Reilly Network via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() Canon PowerShot SD10 (Digital IXUS i): "Canon has today announced the ultra-compact four megapixel PowerShot SD10 Digital Elph / Digital IXUS i. The SD10 has a four megapixel CCD and a fixed focal length lens. It has an ultra-compact metal body..." [Digital Photography Review (]
![]() Kyocera SL300R: "Kyocera Japan has today announced a twisting lens compact digital camera the Finecam SL300R. Looking very much like a Nikon Coolpix it has a 3.1 megapixel CCD and 3x optical zoom lens, a 1.5" TFT LCD, is powered by a lithium ion battery and uses SD cards for storage." [Digital Photography Review (]
![]() Sweden turns back on euro: "Sweden says a clear no to Europe's currency, in a vote that will boost the anti-euro lobby in the UK and Denmark." [BBC News | World | UK Edition]
![]() Scrambled words are legible as long as first and last letters are in place: "Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe." [Joi Ito > Boing Boing Blog]
![]() Semantic Web: "proper noun: An attempt to apply the Dewey Decimal system to an orgy." [The Devil's Dictionary (2.0) > Seb's Open Research]
![]() The Nordic Open Source website: "This website provides information to the consumer to aid in understanding, finding and using Open Source products." About this site: " is a project of the Nordic Ministerial Council, and addresses the need for a comprehensive overview of open source software available for consumers." There are several language versions available.
![]() Kile is a nice-looking graphical interface to LaTeX. It is also available for Mac OS X. However, I'll stick with TeXShop for the moment.
![]() How to Steal $65 Billion: "This sort of crime is eventually going to happen. If I can do it just about anyone can do it. The take probably won't be $65 billion, but it will be in the multiple billions. Once it sinks in what has happened, the financial world and the world of business will never be quite the same again as yet another shred of our innocence is torn away. And government will likely respond with new laws that won't work and with a profound lack of understanding of its own role in the tragedy."