Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Friday, November 7, 2003

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A difficult week: "FireWire 800 firmware problem under Panther, white spots on 15" PowerBooks, security issue on Jaguar. And the HR department told me we have the best employees. You can't trust HR people." []

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Microsoft forgets to renew domain: "Microsoft was busy covering up an almighty cock-up last night after forgetting to renew its domain name. Despite being warned that the domain for its popular Web mail service was up for renewal, it seems Microsoft - or whoever had the task of managing its domain - overlooked this vital piece of administration. [...] In December 1999, Microsoft forgot to renew the domain name, and so rendered its Hotmail service partially crippled. A Linux programmer, Michael Chaney, paid the $35 fee and promptly handed over ownership to Microsoft."