Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Monday, November 24, 2003

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Man Arrested Over 'Spam Rage': "A Silicon Valley computer programmer has been arrested for threatening to torture, kill and send a 'package full of Anthrax spores' to employees of the company he blames for bombarding his computer with spam promising to enlarge his penis." [Wired News]

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Compiling Unix Source Code For Mac OS X: "To use Unix source code on OS X, follow these steps." (Greaseproof via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]

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Mere Speed Is Not Enough: "Forget about aesthetic preferences or initial hardware costs; life is just easier on the Mac side and will remain so until Microsoft makes overdue repairs to Windows." (Washington Post via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]

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Apple iMac: "This model lived up to Apple's ease-of-use pitch. It was eerie: Everything just worked, an experience that has eluded me in several years of reviewing desktop PCs." (Washington Post via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]