Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Wednesday, November 19, 2003

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SCO Hints at *BSD Lawsuits Next Year, And More: "Apparently attacking one Unix-like OS isn't enough. According to Darl McBride, SCO has plans to target BSD." [Slashdot]

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Shareware: "Snood was quite popular some years ago. Now, they rediscovered the OS X version on my brother's computer and play it – up to level 6 or so when it stops because it's not registered. My mum was quite upset about the game just stopping after a few levels. I told her she just has to register it to unlock the other levels. She went Huh?! or something. [...] I guess, I have an idea for a christmas present now. Although a serial number feels like a strange christmas present." [Quarter Life Crisis]

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PC Magazine Names Apple Power Mac G5 Winner In 2003 Awards For Technical Excellence: "In a dazzling display of disruptive technology and processor independence, Apple's top-of-the line G5 is the first dual[~]64-bit computer and the first desktop application of the IBM PowerPC 970 CPU. The vast majority of Macintosh apps run flawlessly on this brand-new platform." (MacDailyNews via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]