Permanent link to this day's archive Wednesday, April 02, 2003


What if we were to create "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" clubs, invite all the people on our block or in our building and, once a month, organize and execute group volunteer projects?

For example, once a month we could volunteer to serve at a local soup kitchen. or spend the morning on the local Habitat For Humanity project? We could even take a walk together and clean up our section of the reservoir. Nothing like a nice walk to spark conversation...

12:12:08 PM  #   comment []


Visual, literary and performance artists! Now is the time to turn in those applications to participate in Baltimore's 2003 Artscape. Share your faith stories in artistic form, meet new people and see some friendly "old" ones (like me!). Not a faith-based festival, Artscape is a great opportunity to let your light shine.


Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts

11:23:58 AM  #   comment []


My son, Michael, still remembers the sign language that Michael Kelly Blanchard used to "say" i love you to his child as he rode away on the school bus. We hosted that concert at Free Church several years ago, but Michael Kelly Blanchard has a way...a way of telling a story that sticks with you long after the stage is cleared.

What i love most about MKB's songs is that they are great stories set to contagious tunes.... and not just "happy tunes" ...but songs that struggle along with the listener in some of the darkest hours of grief.

Listen for the story in the song...then listen again for the healing...

current albums

A Common Thread

10:57:41 AM  #   comment []


THOUGHT: I'm just one. How can i do anything to help my war-torn world?



You say the little efforts that I make

will do no good: they never will prevail

to tip the hovering scale

where Justice hangs in balance.

                                            I don't think

I ever thought they would.

But I am prejudiced beyond debate

in favor of my right to choose which side

shall feel the stubborn ounces of my weight.

                                 Bonaro W. Overstreet,  Hands Laid upon the Wind, 1955



"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless in this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27


Today, let me not just think it's a good idea to pray for those that are bringing help and healing to the orphans and widows of this world. Instead, Lord, help me pray and then partner with You by giving of my time, my treasure and my talents.

Lord, help us to practice what we pray.

8:41:22 AM  #   comment []