Permanent link to this day's archive Friday, April 04, 2003

The Technology Generation Gap

“Because of young people’s appetite for such devices, we are likely to see an even greater shift toward devices that ‘do it all’ – compact computers equipped for mobile Internet connections, cell phones that receive and transmit real-time visual images, and vast music and movie libraries on portable and home-based technologies. What remains to be seen is in what ways technology will continue to alter the generational personalities of Busters and especially Mosaics. In what ways will technology change self-expression, personal fulfillment, and depth of relationships? And how will their entertainment-driven and mobility-oriented lifestyles modify their spiritual experiences and expectations?"  for more of The Barna Update:  4/3/03 ...

If the idea of "talking" to your kids through the computer seems foreign, ask them how they connect with their "tribe." Instant messaging and e-mail win hands down over phone time today because the kids can "talk" to many friends at the same time (even friends who've moved across the world!) for no extra $.

It's never been easy to bridge the generation gap, but the responsibility always lies with the grown-up (let's hope as the parent that means you) to learn the new language. So, for the sake of connecting with your kids and grandkids, might i make a suggestion?

"Git On-line, little children...Git On-line!"

...besides, if you're really hungry for face-to-face time, invite them for one of your famous home-cooked meals...they can't get that off the internet...yet!

9:09:55 AM  #   comment []