Permanent link to this day's archive Tuesday, April 08, 2003

John LT McLoughlin Band

If the rumor mills are churning out accurate info, there isn't much time left to catch guitarist Gary Young in his John LT McL gig. A certain bassist said Gary's taking a break for the summer...something about helping with the new baby? Hey, gigs like these may be the best preparation for sleepless nights ahead... Anyhow, here are the dates:

April 12 - Jillian's, Annapolis, MD. 410.841.5599

May 2 - Cardwell's Tavern, Canton, MD. 410-327-0260

May 10 - La Palapa Grill & Cantina, Ellicott City, MD. 410-465-0070. $5 cover for a party to sponsor the La Palapa AA Women's National Volleyball Team. This show is open to the general public!

Write 'em down, plan on it and show up! I heard they'll even dedicate a tune to you!

(Oh, no, Len....what will the band do for the summer without the "lyrics police?"...we'll be praying for you, brother...)

This morning Gary responded with this e-mail:

Thanks for the plug, Donna, whether I'm in or not for those gigs.

Just for the record, we're due May 12, so I'll almost definitely be there this Saturday at Jillian's, but all bets are off for the next two (Audra arrived about 2 1/2 weeks early, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm already on sabbatical by May 2).

However, Dave Weber will be in for me during my absence, and of course Len's still in, so I wouldn't discourage people from going to any of our shows.

Last, I should mention that we changed names recently from "The John L.T. McLoughlin Band" to just "The John LT Band." Less filling, but same great taste... :)

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