Permanent link to this day's archive Tuesday, April 15, 2003


Last night, we found ourselves alone for dinner (can you sense the satisfaction in that statement? Ah...). Anyway, we ordered take out from one of our favorite Indian restaurants- Palak Peneer, Chicken Tikka Masala, Rice and 2 orders of Nan (always the same, always SO good!)...and i gave Sean the "present" i told him arrived in the mail today. It became the dinner music and we weren't unhappy about it!

NECTAR is Brooks Williams latest offering. How he got Phil Madeira we don't know, but the mix is much more sophisticated than "Skiffle-Bop." (Or course, so is the title...but anyway...). It's got a real "Beatlesque" feel to it...and we ended our meal with feelings of nostalgia.

If you haven't caught his act, he's in the line-up at the SoulFest 2003: Sunday, at the Deeper Well. The last time we heard him at a house concert in Columbia, MD...close up and personal...Brooks, i love your red guitar! 

10:18:56 AM  #   comment []


OK: Beth's idea was TOO good not to steal...and add to. Here's her blurb from the CRCC E-Post:

Would you love a Tulip Wonderland?

A picture named tulip.jpg

If you are looking to enjoy the Spring in it's full wonder and color, I invite you to Sherwood Gardens in Baltimore City. Enjoy 80,000 bulbs on a 7-acre city park! Located off of Charles Street & St. Paul [Greenway at Stratford Road Baltimore, MD 21218 to be exact for yahoo directions], a few blocks North of Johns Hopkins University Campus. I often bring a lunch to picnic or walk around with my camera but either is a beautiful place. Take someone who enjoys is a nice surprise to be taken.

And here's the spin: Invite some of your NEIGHBORS to car pool to the gardens and then enjoy a picnic together! Or if you have an elderly neighbor, offer to drive them and enjoy a day of sauntering in beauty! Come on...there's nothing like conversation sparked by creation!

Free Church people: take them to the Stevens-Coolidge Place!

Don't we all want an excuse to NOT clean the house and do yardwork on Saturday? Well, now we've got it! Saturday or Sunday...a great way to luxuriate in the Thanks, Beth!

9:41:51 AM  #   comment []