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LP candidate and JBS employee offers rebuttle
Having been ad somethinginemed by ed cone (4th comment down), to no avail, I offered him the benefit of the doubt that he was not really asking people to simply dismiss my argument because it had been proposed by someone who had the effrontery to run a political campaign as a Libertarian candidate and accept a job offer to work for The John Birch Society.
Since I consider the political platform of the LP to be, in the main, consistent with my political views, I was honored to run with a capital L after my name on the ballot rather than the D or R offered by the two wings of our national ruling party.  The LP platform, rather than a treatise by a motley gang of utopians, is actually more of a throwback to earlier times when our countrymen were still flush with the ideals of revolution and liberty.  Like Ed, I suppose I could be more like a Tory and argue from the standpoint of practicality, "An interesting concept but how can we beat the King?"  When it comes to my personal freedom however, I chose to be stubborn.
As for the dismissive swipe at The John Birch Society, I know this is because Ed believes that those who suggests that the CFR is anything more than a sleepy gentleman's club for uber "capitalists" like his uncle is an automatic conspiracy theorist.  He also finds it insulting to his sensibilities that an organization that would dare counter attack the efforts of the homosexual lobby would expect his serious attention.  While Ed finds it valid to justify many of his positions based on his perception of public consensus, promoting homosexual lifestyle choices in front of a captive audience of elementary school children I do not think would not rank as such a case. Though in the silenced majority it remains a contentious issue, the homosexual debate is not part of a major campaign of The John Birch Society.  Even so, I personally would spend less time on it in our news magazine as there are bigger items to worry about being pushed farther up the pipeline. 
The CFR's plan to merge the United States into a European Union styled regional government with Canada and Mexico is the foremost example in my mind.  Began in 1921 by the same click of people who led the Wilson Administration's efforts to create the League of Nations and spread democratic utopia around the world, the CFR has consistently pushed for the integration of the United States into a system of international governance.   For over eighty years now presidential administrations loaded with CFR members, have worked to implement the CFR's agenda.  The effort to entangle the US into the United Nations was an early success.  The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America launched last year by Team Bush is the official embodiment of their current set of recommendations.  If another organization like the NRA or ACLU had a similar preponderance of its members in key positions in the US government, there would be a public outcry.  The CFR enjoys immunity from such challenges however, since a similar disproportionate CFR membership base also exists in the leadership ranks of our nation's mass media conglomerates.  As in many "clubs," CFR members refrain from bad mouthing other CFR members.
Yes, in the early days of The John Birch Society there were many dots there to connect which made it easy for detractors to dismiss my employer's observations as, "too incredible to be true."  Today however, believing they have achieved critical mass, the elites running organizations like the CFR no longer disseminate their intentions through the arcane rhetoric of obscure journals.  Their dutiful servants are now working daily in the major media outlets telling American's that we live in a global world; the nation state - including our own - is finished; get used to it.
I choose to resist this process and its proponents, in spite of what some consider to be the impracticality of this position.  The fringe is not the exclusive domain of lunatics; it is the margin from which pioneers and contrarians have always pursued Freedom - the mainspring of human progress.
11:55:45 AM      comment []

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