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Saturday, November 30, 2002

Timeshifting for Weblogs

One of the members of the Ryze Blog & Bloggers tribe asked for advice on the message board on how to manage the time to start and run a blog.  Lots of good feedback was posted, here was mine:

They say you play soccer the way you are. I think blogging is similar to this self-organizing sport. You blog the way you are.

When confronted with the chronological format of a blog, the pressure to post is at first extreme. How do I start? What if I don't keep it up? Does this go on my permanent record? But the reality is there is no shame in an empty calendar. Post daily, weekly, monthly or occassionally. You blog when you can.

The question that is most personal is what to blog. As one blogger said, "Find a topic and own it." Finding focus is a sure time saver, but it also contributes to the medium, as its one of specialized voices. The more you post on your domain the better. You blog what you are.

The other part, indeed what this tribe is about, is community. When you have others reading, others you know, their feedback and their own posts spark your own. You don't blog alone.

Make a little plan on how you will start, just begin and you will find your rhythm.

The calendar and chronological format of weblogs is threatening to potential bloggers.  For readers its a great structure, akin to timeshifting with your Tivo (or other PVR device).  Readers can view posts from anytime at anytime.  And as news aggregator functions progress, consumption will be less of a burden.

Manila and other content management systems (CMS) offer the ability to schedule posts.  If this feature was offered to Radio and other weblog applications, it would decrease the pressure to publish by letting bloggers timeshift.  This isn't a presence medium, at least not yet, and such a feature as well as cultural acceptance of occassional bloggers would grow the medium.

1:21:25 PM    comment []


Jon Udell reviews Albert-László Barabási's outstanding network theory book Linked and comments on power law distributions and scale-free networks:

But we are embedded in these networks, we can visualize them, we will manipulate them to gain individual and collective advantage. The sooner we acknowledge this power and learn to use it responsibly, the better.

He also plucks David Gelernter's 1991 book, Mirror Worlds which saw a need for modelling & simulation, "to monitor and debug" -- more on that next week.

9:51:04 AM    comment []

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