Monday, May 05, 2003


PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.18


1. Are there any confrontations you have been avoiding that you know you will eventually have to deal with? What's that all about?


Yes, with my bosses concerning my compensation and the time commitment expected. I am a lawyer and this profession can absolutely suck the life out of you and your family if you let it. You don’t even notice it happening until it’s too late.


2. When was the last time you surprised yourself by being more brave than you ever thought you could be?


I don't know if it was brave or just plain stupid. I had to confront a drunken person who was at a cast party for a Broadway show. This person was doing serious damage to the reputation and business of another individual attending the party. It got pretty ugly and I was involved in a nasty confrontation, but it at least minimized the damage that was being done. I can’t go into any more detail than that, unfortunately, because of certain other persons who would be hurt if I did. My only regret is that I didn’t nip the situation in the bud sooner.


3. You know that sickly feeling you get when are speeding and out of the corner of your eye you realize you just passed a hidden police car? It is that "deer-caught-in-the-headlights" feeling, where you are so busted there is no way out. When was the last time you were in a situation like that?


Have you been following me? I swear the radar was defective. I was not speeding!


4. One of the things I've had to do recently is clean out my attic. I have an amazing amount of things I've collected over the years, and I am almost embarrassed that I still have so much of it. I realized that I may as well sell it, since it does me no good in the attic, and when I die, my family will probably sell it for a dollar a pound at a garage sale anyway. May as well enjoy the money now. Do you have any things stored away that you just can't get rid of but will probably of no sentimental value to anyone once you are gone? Why do we hang on to that stuff? Do you think you could sell or auction it off?


I don’t know if it’s the pack-rat mentality or what. I’ve got so much stuff to get rid of now that I think it’s mostly a matter of inertia. We’ve moved from a house into a duplex condo and we have two large storage units that we have to go through and dispose of. It’s much easier to put it off than to hunker down and deal with it even though it’s costing a lot of money to store stuff we don’t even need anymore.


5. I've become the resident Handler at the house. Got bugs? Call me! Flies, ants, spiders, I'm your man. Vomit? Dog Poo? Toilet overflow? Yep, I get it all clean. Not much bothers me in that area, and I am glad really to be someone you can rely on. But the one thing that does make me squirm are injuries. Stitches, incisions, bloody puss-laden bandages, heavily scabbed areas, all that just about does me in. What are some of the things you have a strong stomach for, and what are some of the things that can turn your stomach?



I’ve got a pretty strong stomach. I suppose there must be some stuff out there that would really gross me out but I haven’t had to deal with it yet.


6. I am at the point where I am going to have to make some tough decisions about the future of this blog. I think this sort of moment comes to all bloggers at some point. For me, I am not very good at managing my obsessions (read as: things I enjoy passionately). Eventually they get too much focus and something that once was good begins to impact my life in negative ways. Something's got to give. Have you ever been involved in an experience that started out as something good and enjoyable but eventually became destructive and bad for your health (mentally or physically)?


The pressures of my job as a litigator have taken a toll on my health. Also, the time commitment has pretty much destroyed my ability to have “obsessions.” I certainly don’t enjoy my job passionately, but I’m doing what I have to do.


7. Do you believe in evolution or creationism or something else?


I don’t believe that we should put God in a box and tell Him how to go about creating, sustaining and ordering the universe. I believe that the point of the beginning of the book of Genesis is a moral lesson and not a lesson in history, biology, cosmology or astrophysics. God is teaching us a human lesson, not a science lesson. Would Stephen Hawking be comprehensible to a group of nomadic shepherds? I even have a hard time understanding even the most simplistic outline of his theories. Anyway, I do not believe that the first story of creation in Genesis is contradictory of the Big Bang theory of the cosmos.


Bonus: Are you trying to tempt me?


Me? Never!


Today's Comment Question: What tagline best describes your website?


"Stupid is as stupid does."


File under Monday Mission

7:52:27 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []