Monday, May 26, 2003


We're hunkered down right now working on our perimeter defenses, waiting for the Great Shit Rain to fall down upon The Things That We Hold Sacred. But that's not what this post is about. I've got other more immediate things to deal with. One thing I know, the fat is sure in the fire now and there will be Hell To Pay.

But I sit here now and wait for tomorrow when I'll come face to face with the screwheads that have already abused and will continue to abuse the helpless, the dispossessed and the downtrodden. Yes, I've seen it with my own eyes, as recently as last week. The greedheads and land rapers are out in force. They could be putting it to you next. My advice: keep your own counsel and watch your back. Make sure you've got a Reliable Wing Man. Keep The Faith. Things are going to Start To Get Interesting.

File under Rants and Raves.

6:10:42 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []