Thursday, May 29, 2003


I really have a hard time admitting I made a mistake. In fact, I hate it. I guess that’s the same for everybody. But there’s one thing I hate even more than that. That’s being lied to. I was listening to Paul Begala today on Imus In The Morning and I have to grudgingly agree that he made a lot of sense. We had all this irrefutable proof that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. This fact was pounded into us again and again and again. OK, we’ve been over there how long now? Have we found anything? I know Iraq is the size of California but with all of our so-called “intelligence” you think we’d have found on single piece of tangible proof concerning these WMDs. According to Donald Rumsfeld Iraq did use their WMDs because “they didn’t have time” to deploy them. Well how then, Mr. Secretary, did they manage to have enough time to either hide or destroy ever last trace of them? Hey, make no mistake about it, I think Saddam was nothing more than a murderous thug and he deserves to have his ass blasted into hell. But the problem I have is that we asked 169 Americans to die under false pretenses. They were told that they were fighting To Protect Our Country. It seems to me there was another agenda involved here, maybe as simple as a Texan settling an old family score. And now we’re rattling our sabers at Iran. I don’t like being lied to. I think we should look long and hard at what this administration is telling us from here on in because I think there are Certain Business Interests involved in the decision making process and we are not being told The Truth. The only WMDs are all sitting on airport runways all around our country and the last time they were used they were flown by Saudi nationals. And that’s my public penance on that subject.


I also don’t buy into this tax cut plan, especially given the military spending spree that’s likely to be taking place soon, if it hasn’t started already. If Warren Buffett and Alan Greenspan both think this tax cut is a bogus scam that’s not going to help the economy I tend to listen.


Moving on to other events in the news, it seems that it’s not a good time to be a pregnant woman in New York City. First one young woman gets a ticket for sitting on the subway steps for a minute to rest, and then a stool flung out of a “school” window hits another one. Now I don’t know if all this increase in ticketing is really a ploy by Mayor Bloomberg to raise revenues or just a tactic of the PBA to get the public on its side in its budget war with City Hall (as well as the PBA president’s upcoming election). I don’t really care. But it seems to me that the guy writing the ticket ought to use Some Friggin’ Common Sense regardless of where the pressure is coming from. I don’t buy this following orders crap. I didn’t buy it from the Nazi’s and I don’t buy it now. As Albert Einstein once said:


"He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice."


As far as that Vermin who threw the stool out the window, why are we wasting the taxpayers’ money on attempting to “educate” this son of a bitch? It’s too bad we don’t have some sort of penal colony to send animals like this to. And what the hell are the teachers and administrators who are running this “school” doing. It’s been reported that stuff being thrown out of the windows is a daily occurrence at this Center Of Learning. I think all of their salaries are just a waste of money too. They’re just as responsible (or should it be irresponsible?) as the scum who threw the damn thing.


Turning to the ever-entertaining World Of Sports, I see that the Big East Conference is about to guarantee the University of Miami $9 million in revenues if they remain in the league for another 5 years. Aside from just putting off the inevitable, do we really want to pay bribe money to People Who Are About To Screw Us? Is this what Our Institutions Of Higher Learning are all about? You know what, let’s call it what it really is, minor league football and minor league basketball. Let’s pay the players too.


Oh, for those of you (if there are any “you” out there) The Forces Of Darkness have capitulated and the surrender papers have been signed. We now have Peace In Our Time in my office, at least for now.


The Red Sox still suck.


File under Current Events.

8:20:26 PM    Go ahead, make my day  []


According to Reuters President Bush plans to engage in a three-way summit in Jordan next week with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas. That's kind of like trying to separate two dogs that are fighting. You're the one who ends up getting bitten.

File under Current Events.

8:07:40 AM    Go ahead, make my day  []


I just took the Geek Test and scored 28.00789% which makes me a Total Geek. The scale (from low geekiness to high) is:

    * Geekish Tendencies
    * Geek
    * Total Geek
    * Major Geek
    * Super Geek
    * Extreme Geek
    * Geek God
    * Dysfunctional Geek

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Would my score preclude me from attending Gnomedex?

File under Geek Talk.

7:52:32 AM    Go ahead, make my day  []