Tuesday, March 8, 2005 |
CommonDreams: "In 2001, President Bush reinstated the global gag rule restricting funding for family planning. Under the gag rule, family planning agencies that receive U.S. money may not offer abortion counsel or refer women to abortion providers, or lobby to make or keep abortion legal in their own country, even if they use separate funds not provided by the United States. Providers are forced to make a cruel choice: Give up vital assistance and try to afford to continue to counsel women on all pregnancy options, or withhold critically important information."
With the appointment of John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN Bush has added another right-wing hawk to his corrupt team.
"Only in Murka do laws, rules and regulations defend and protect corporations, entities exhibiting actions of a psychopath along with the tendencies of psychopathic behavior. Hiding behind the laws they create, mold and help birth, these psychopaths kill tens of thousands of guinea pigs/people each year through their actions, behaviors, disregard for the environment and by the vast assortment of cancer-causing, disease-forming, chemically-manipulated, toxic-infested products they shove down our throats. In another world, in another time, if corporations were human beings, they would be sitting, cowering in shame, chained in their cells on Texas' death row, awaiting execution by barbaric means for the mass murder of tens of thousands of human beings that have perished and been made to suffer thanks to their products and actions."
"US president George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair deserve life sentences, with the possibility of parole after 25 years, for the war crimes and genocide in Iraq, according to a lawyer's panel."
12:39:07 PM
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