Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:14:31 AM.


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Saturday, March 19, 2005

The second anniversary of the invasion of Iraq is marked all over the world in hundreds of cities. 725 protests are planned in the US alone.
To the increasing number of countries that leave the coalition Bulgaria can now be added.

MoscowTimes: "U.S. President George W. Bush often complains about the 'media filter' that distorts the true picture of his administration's accomplishments in Iraq. And he's right. For regardless of where you stand on Bush's policies in the region, it's undeniable that the political and commercial biases of the American press have consistently misrepresented the reality of the situation."
In his twisted mind, Bush only accepts a reality that conforms to his delusions.
Have a look at his performance during a press conference, the smirk, the contortions in face and words. With an extra effort he can reach the level of Mussolini's act. Here is a man who knows he is lying and cheating and enjoys it.

SeattleTimes: "The CIA and the White House yesterday defended the practice of secretly transferring suspected terrorists to other countries and said proper safeguards exist to ensure detainees are not tortured.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan would not say whether President Bush was aware of - or believed or discounted - assertions made recently by freed detainees that they were tortured by other governments after they were transferred to them by the CIA. But he said the United States has 'an obligation not to render people to countries if we believe they're going to be tortured.'
It is illegal under U.S. and international law to send someone to a country where torture is likely. The CIA obtains a verbal assurance of humane treatment from the intelligence service of another country before it transfers suspected terrorists, a practice called 'rendition'. Many intelligence and counterterrorism experts, however, say such assurances are ineffective and virtually impossible to monitor."
In the meantime, "Afghanistan is the hub of a global network of detention centres, the frontline in America's 'war on terror', where arrest can be random and allegations of torture commonplace."

GlobalResearch: "The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America's agenda for global military domination.
While the document follows in the footsteps of the administration's 'preemptive' war doctrine as detailed by the Neocons' Project of the New American Century ("PNAC"), it goes much further in setting the contours of Washington's global military agenda.
The document explicitly acknowledges America's global military mandate, beyond regional war theaters. This mandate also includes military operations directed against countries, which are not hostile to America, but which are considered strategic from the point of view of US interests.
From a broad military and foreign policy perspective, the March 2005 Pentagon document constitutes an imperial design, which supports US corporate interests Worldwide."
"At its heart, the document is driven by the belief that the U.S. is engaged in a continuous global struggle that extends far beyond specific battlegrounds, such as Iraq and Afghanistan. The vision is for a military that is far more proactive, focused on changing the world instead of just responding to conflicts such as a North Korean attack on South Korea, and assuming greater prominence in countries in which the U.S. isn't at war. (WSJ, 11 March 2005)."
12:12:51 PM    

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