Friday, 5 September, 2003 |
La Voce di Rimini: "Questi giudici sono doppiamente matti! Per prima cosa, perché lo sono politicamente, e secondo sono matti comunque. Per fare quel lavoro, devi essere mentalmente disturbato, devi avere delle turbe psichiche. Se fanno quel lavoro è perché sono antropologicamente diversi dal resto della razza umana."
Talking about the judges in the case against Andreotti, as if he did not mean the judges against himself (he wouldn't dare to relate this openly to his own case), Berlusconi said all judges were mad. "They are doubly crazy! First, they are politically crazy, and second they are overall crazy. To do such a job, they must be mentally disturbed, must have psychic troubles. If they do this job it's because they are antropologically different from the rest of the human race."
What Berlusconi is saying is this: If you are against me, you're mad! The typical reaction of a hooligan.
Rumour has it that Berlusconi is preparing a CD with love songs. The old gigolo! And if you don't buy it, you're crazy.
10:45:38 AM
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