Politics : View and news about politics.
Updated: 1/10/2003; 22:13:28.


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Monday, 8 September, 2003

"Media Tacticians from all continents will gather in Amsterdam, September 11 - 14, for the fourth edition of the Next 5 Minutes festival.
The special character of the festival is marked by the fact that Next 5 Minutes is only put together when the times demand a new edition. Central to the festival is the concept of 'tactical media', the fusion of art, media and politics."
2:23:53 PM    

"As the WTO-summit in Cancun is coming closer, more and more activities are planned with the aim to actually derail the WTO. In what some already hopeful refer to a second Seattle, as protests might reinforce opposition in the inside, numerous actions and gatherings will take place in Cancun and Mexico, as well as around the world, such as in Australia, the US, Mesoamerica, South-America, Asia and Europe."
2:20:19 PM    

"The Court of Appeal in The Hague today [Sept. 4] rejected all of Scientology's claims in appeal in Scientology's action against XS4ALL, Karin Spaink and ten other internet providers.
The practical upshot of this is that Karin Spaink's website, which Scientology sought to remove from the Internet based on copyright claims, is entirely legal in the Netherlands. The two urls still contested were these:
OT II and OT III are previously unpublished 'scriptures' of the 'Scientology religion' which concern the travails of alien spirits known as 'thetans' and their mistreatment at the hands of the alien overlord Xenu, an epochs old catastrophe which is the cause of many mental problems to this day, at least according to Scientology."
One extract from the CoS document 'On Control and Lying':
"THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them. When you find an individual is lying to you, you know that the individual is trying to control you. One way or another this individual is trying to control you. That is the mechanism of control."
That is, indeed the mechanism the ¢hurch of $cientology is using, and many governments at that.
12:43:28 PM    

BBC News: "Every single person in the UK should be compelled to have their DNA on the national database in an effort to prevent crime, a senior police officer has argued."
I have a much better suggestion: a psychological test for all politicians and officials to determine their psychopathic rating.
Check the list for Bush, Blair and others, and you'll be astounded how many of these characteristics apply to them. Persistent lying is one of them.
In Stjärnfall (Shooting Star), a thriller by David Lagercrantz, I read the following explanation: "the psychopath ... is a person who only feels alive when he takes great risks. At the same time he is rational and cold in stressing situations, because a man with psychopathic tendencies has great difficulty feeling fear or anger. He is not blocked by uncertainty or doubt but works on, silently and methodically. That's why he is more successful than other people in dangerous situations. On the other hand the psychopath very seldom takes long views. He is rather impulsive like a child."
As our politicians pose an example for the rest of the population, they largely influence the behaviour of the rank and file by their own conduct. Corrupt officials breed a corrupt nation. Violent politicians breed violent citizens. And organized poverty is also organized crime (by governments).
11:47:05 AM    

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