Jim's Pond - Exploring the Universe of Ideas
"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. It is as when a conflagration has broken out in a great city, and no man knows what is safe, or where it will end." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tuesday, June 8, 2004


I heard an interesting story today. It was about J. He had just experienced a weird day at work. J is a vascular tech at one of the local hospitals. This is a big hospital owned by a big health care company. It's the flagship.

He began his day at 6:30 AM. By noon he had seen 6 patients. His coworkers had averaged one or two studies. A new patient entered the waiting room just before noon. J was just finishing a test and asked if someone else could handle this case. He was informed that everyone else had gone to lunch. He took care of it.

Toward 5:00 PM J had been working for over 10 hours without a break. He had taken a majority of the cases, even though there are a half dozen other techs working in his lab. He received a call from a remote clinic. They were sending a patient over. J asked how long that would take. 15 minutes.

At 5:30 PM the patient had not arrived. J was scheduled to go home. So he called the on-call tech. Couldn't J just do the tests? After all, he was already there. The patient arrived a few minutes later. J began the tests.

A doctor interrupted J. He couldn't find a tape that had some needed results. Could J help? Oh, and the doc also had a headache. J offered some aspirin that was close by. No, the doc couldn't take aspirin. There was ibuprofin in the desk drawer upstairs. Could J get some for him? And afterwards help find the file? J couldn't leave, or do anything else, until the file was found. The doctor wouldn't allow it. J got the medication, and then turned his attention to the missing file.

It was nowhere to be found. In fact, the ID number given was out of range. J asked to see the chart. Sure enough, the doc had asked for the wrong number. A few minutes later J had the doc on his way with the right info.

The patient, waiting impatiently, asked if he could now have some attention. J finished the tests. It was then past 7:00 PM. J called to let his supervisor, who had been home for a couple of hours, know that he was done for the day and leaving. Oh, could J bring donuts for the 6:30 AM staff meeting tomorrow?

Usually, in this scenario, J begins his search for a better job ASAP. I asked myself, "Is this how we treat our best and most dedicated staff?" If so, we better change.........
10:23:33 PM    comment []

© 2004 Jim Stewart
Last Update: 7/5/04; 9:30:26 PM

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