Jim's Pond - Exploring the Universe of Ideas
"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. It is as when a conflagration has broken out in a great city, and no man knows what is safe, or where it will end." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Saturday, June 26, 2004

The Friendly Biker

Anyone who has been on a bike knows. When you pass another biker, it's a friendly gesture to wave. Most of us just give a slight raising of one hand. Some just nod their heads. Some wave overtly and even say something. Usually the people who talk have a nice little "Hi" they share. Every once in a while there are those who try to get a whole sentence out. "Hi, how's your bike ride today" trailing off as you zoom by.

Then there are the times that someone going the same direction passes you. This seldom happens. All you need to do is pass someone once to find out why. A couple of Saturdays ago I made the mistake of passing a fellow biker. We both said "Hi" and I zoomed on by.

I wasn't trying to show off. He was just going slowly and my pace was just a bit greater than his. We were on the frontage road between Farmington and Centerville, a nice three mile stretch. Fairly flat, smooth pavement. No problems.

As I approached the Centerville intersection I felt that someone was following me. I say "felt" because you get a sense of someone there, but biking is a silent activity. So you can't always hear an approaching biker. Usually I turn and look them in the face just as they are going around me. And most often that exchange takes me by surprise and scares the crap out of me, so to speak. I mean, it's not as if I hear them. I sense that something is there, turn, and I'm staring into the helmet encased gaze of a biker that is intent on passing me.

Well, I didn't bother looking back. It was a busy intersection, so I concentrated on the traffic and getting through alive. After the intersection, boom, there he was. The same biker I'd passed over three miles back. He was smiling. He spoke in a friendly voice and said, "it's sure a nice day for a ride." I replied "it sure is, have a good...." he was gone by then.

That's when I realized what a mistake it had been to pass him. He probably felt a bit challenged. I couldn't get away from him. He obviously drafted onto me for a few miles and then, after I tired a bit, blew by me. And, of course, he was in a good mood and I was winded and wishing that when the opportunity arose I had just followed for a few miles. At the next intersection he went left and I went right. I know this because he got the the intersection at least a quarter of a mile before I did.

Anyway, there are always those occasional bikers who don't wave. They don't even look. As far as I know, they aren't even aware of my presence. Typically they are in tight shorts, brightly colored jerseys, on expensive bikes. They fit the role of elite biker. But they aren't friendly. And they make me realize that I want to and will always be, one who waves. Maybe I'll even say hi. And if there going my way, I'll gladly let them pass. It's better to be the friendly biker.........
10:16:45 PM    comment []

© 2004 Jim Stewart
Last Update: 7/5/04; 9:30:54 PM

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