Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:14:23 AM.
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Monday, October 13, 2003
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Photoshop Album 2.0 is out. Sounds like they have fixed #1 and #2 of the 3 showstopper problems I identified when I played with it over the summer:

1. Top-level categories are limited to the 4 pre-defined ones (this is hard to believe, so maybe I just didn't figure out how to add them, but either way...) 2. Sub-categories only one level deep. 3. Does not respect existing Windows folder/file naming.

#3 is still a showstopper. I WILL NOT use photo software where I think there is any chance of getting "locked in the trunk" by the publisher.

I will stick with Mario Westphal's amazing, but dense, iMatch. It's an astoundingly rich product, clearly professional-level, but with a very steep learning curve. Inconceivable that anyone who is not a near-power user could make this product work.

I just wish it had a little cleaner interface. For instance, all the other programs I have looked at have a single button to rotate images. In iMatch, first you get the right-click (over 30 items, longest I have ever seen) menu. Then you select the Transform expanding sub-menu. From that, you select the Image expanding sub-menu, from which you finally select "Rotate 90". Note that even getting to step 1 requires realizing that "rotate" is going to be found under "transform"! The consolation is that you can multi-select the thumbnails and rotate them in a batch.

But it has amazing features (Many of them I don't even fully understand, not being a photo hobbyist.) For batch-renaming, it uses regular expressions! But again, a bit intimidating if you don't have the foggiest what regex are.
12:53:46 PM    comment []

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