Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:14:25 AM.
Erik Neu's weblog. Focus on current news and political topics, and general-interest Information Technology topics. Some specific topics of interest: Words & Language, everyday economics, requirements engineering, extreme programming, Minnesota, bicycling, refactoring, traffic planning & analysis, Miles Davis, software useability, weblogs, nature vs. nurture, antibiotics, Social Security, tax policy, school choice, student tracking by ability, twins, short-track speed skating, table tennis, great sports stories, PBS, NPR, web search strategies, mortgage industry, mortgage-backed securities, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, RPI, Phi Sigma Kappa, digital video, nurtured heart.

Saturday, October 25, 2003
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Okay, pre-winter has finally arrived in Minnesota, after one last week of semi-Indian summer. Can't complain.
1:19:07 PM    comment []
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Most people find it distracting, if not even outright rude, when people answer their cell phone in crowded rooms (meeting rooms, restaurants, etc.). Nonetheless, there seem to be quite a few people who, at least on certain occasions, simply cannot resist answering. Maybe a few of them even have a justifiable need (expectant fathers, for instance).

So, a technological solution is in order. Cell phones need a button the user can press in response to an incoming call. If they press the button, a message would be played to the caller that says "the party you are calling has acknowledged your call, and will answer momentarily." If they hold the button down, the message would continue to be replayed every 10-15 seconds. Similarly, if the user presses the button and lets up, each time they subsequently press the button, the message would be re-played.

1:17:28 PM    comment []

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