On the subject of giving blood, it amazes me how many people avoid it like the plague. A few of them tried and had some degree of unpleasant experience, many more just don't like the idea. Here is my story...
Like many, my first experience giving blood was when I was recuited at my first professional job. I signed up, without much concern. I showed up for my 8:30 appointment, gave, and afterward, felt very, very poorly, nearly faint. I ate and drank a little and then was fine. Didn't think too much about it.
So, when the next blood drive rolled around six months later, I signed up again, reported for my 8:30 appointment, and again felt faint after. I concluded that giving blood didn't agree with me, and thereafter avoided blood drives.
A couple of years went by, and then my wife, Beth, started getting recruited at her office blood drives. She gave, with no subsequent problems. Eventually, this became too much for my male pride to withstand: my wife, who barely made the body-weight qualification (I weigh the best part of 100 lbs more than she), was giving routinely!
So I tried it again. Only this time, I worked at a different office, and for whatever reason, they had their blood drives in the afternoon. So, after going out for the Pizza Hut buffet lunch I had grown fond of, I reported for my appointment. I gave as usual, but this time, I felt fine afterward. No problems at all. I didn't think too much about it, but I was glad to have had a better result.
So, when the next blood drive rolled around, I signed up without hesitation. Same routine, afternoon apointment, right after lunch. Again, I felt great after. In fact, I felt so good, I went to the YMCA that evening, for a weights + bike workout (I don't think that part is Red Cross-recommended). And it dawned on me what the difference was: an empty stomach versus a very full stomach made all the difference!
So now, my advice is: look at giving blood as a guilt-free opportunity to have an enormous (preferably buffet) lunch. Works like a charm for me.
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