Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:23:16 AM.
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
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Every so often I read an article, usually quoting experts from the men's wear industry, speculating that "the pendulum is starting to swing back" on business casual dress. I have always dismissed that as wishful thinking on the part of the industry. Their is a powerful, tidal trend to casusalness in almost all aspects of life to fight, for one thing. For another, it is always hard to stuff a genie back in the bottle, and asking employees to acquire a new, more expensive wardrobe would be especially onerous. In addition to the loss of convenience, I personally would see it as a $3000 pre-tax expense.

Well, it appears that Target is doing just that. First documented case I have read of. I hope I get to hear how it goes. I personally predict complications and a partial pullback. Particularly on such absurdity as the requirement "men wear a sport coat and/or tie if they leave their usual work area". Even when I worked at Otis HQ before casual dress took hold, that was not a rule.

7:33:37 AM    comment []

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