
Sexy Magick

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You know what Prop 8 reminds me of? It reminds me when the country was divided between whites and blacks or women and men for that matter, when women were second-class citizens to men or black people were beneath white people and we all know that that isn't right, so why would you want to vote for Prop 8, that would be like saying, gay people aren't people, that we would be denying them the fundamental right to exist as people, that they are beneath/second-class citizens to straight heterosexual people. Prop 8 is total discrimination.

I don't ever remember being taught anything about marriage in school even when I lived in Texas, that something you learn at home from your family values or in church if you believe in that sort of thing. If you don't believe in gay marriage or gay people, don't teach your kids about it but don't take away a fundamental right of a human being.

Everyone should have the right to marry who they want, it is really no one's business whom you marry except each other. If you don't like it, don't participate in it. Just think of it like this - you're a heterosexual being and you want to marry someone that you completely love but here's the government and everyone around you telling you can't because you're not the same religion or because she has really long legs and you don't or she's got purple skin and your white, that's just stupid, stop the discrimination.

Vote No on Prop 8

11:59:40 PM    comment [] trackback []

so this doesn't make any sense to me, the house senate or something like that has 43 million available to campaign for more democratic house seats + they got a 15 million dollar loan to campaign. Obama raised 150 million for his campaign, McCain probably raised similar amount (all I could find was he raised 15 million in March) and yet our country is in economic crisis - maybe this isn't feasible but what if everyone took that 150 million x 2 + 43 million and spent it on what is really needed in this country - health care for those who don't have any, help for people that can barely make their rent and live on top ramen on a daily basis because its cheap.

My figures could be really wrong but instead of trying to woo us with promises, take some of that money you've got through fund-raising and use it to help instead of advertising, traveling everywhere, spending it on lavish wardrobe budgets, big parties, etc.

And how do people who can barely make their rent - what happens to them? Unless they happened to have great landlords that ok with the rent being a little late, what do they do? End up homeless? And food, that's a basic neccessity but alot of people go hungry because after all the bills are paid and the rent is paid, there may not be money for food.

Omg, when I heard that on the news that senate has 43 million to spend on campaigning for more democratic house seats, I thought WTF? why are they spending that money to campaign, when the government is in crisis? And for that matter, how about all the senate reps take a pay cut too - you know that actually might help a least a little.

Anyways, my 2 cents, I could rant more but I'm tired.

11:42:30 PM    comment [] trackback []

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Last update: 11/1/2008; 9:41:00 PM.

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