Updated: 3/2/2004; 8:47:06 AM.
Rob Robinson's Idea Engagement Area
It's not only the idea -- it's the execution!

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

RFID: Hit or Myth?

Radio waves may be the next big thing in tracking goods. But before you rush in, make sure you understand their realities. 
Ziff Davis Channel Zone]

4:59:43 PM    comment []

"What Is Trackback?"

Scott Watermasyk has good insight into what is Trackback. He's the guy who wrote the .TEXT engine that runs http://blogs.msdn.com (the site where most Microsoft employees blog now).  [The Scobleizer -- Celebrating the Geek lifestyle]

2:09:19 PM    comment []

More Searching News - From Research Buzz

Seekscan.com is a search tool that focuses exclusively on web searching on the Internet. Seekscan.com is part of Seekscan Network(http://www.seekscan.com). Seekscan Network makes web search easier by aggregating the leading search engines in one easy-to-use interface. (ResearchBuzz)

1:59:25 PM    comment []

Looking For Something Online? Just Ask Mamma


Mamma.com is a "smart" metasearch engine - every time you type in a query Mamma simultaneously searches a variety of engines, directories, and deep content sites, properly formats the words and syntax for each, compiles their results in a virtual database, eliminates duplicates, and displays them in a uniform manner according to relevance. It's like using multiple search engines, all at the same time.

1:56:35 PM    comment []

IBM Shaves Weight Off ThinkPad Line

Big Blue unveils the ThinkPad X40, which weighs in at just 2.7 pounds. The market, though, has been slow to take up featherweight machines. [CNET News.com - Front Door]

1:13:11 PM    comment []

Dave Winer Talks At Microsoft Research

Dave Winer talks at Microsoft Research

Tim Jarrett blogged Dave Winer's talk yesterday at Microsoft Research. Below is a couple of questions and answers I found interesting as they relate to audioblogging.

Q: Where do you see blogging going as more stuff gets digital? A: Well, I'm a text guy. And I use PhotoShop, I use about three commands. Q: What about voice? A: A year ago I would have said sure. But now I've used it and I'm not sure. I work at the Berkman Center with Chris Lydon--having dinner with him and his voice is like having dinner with NPR--and he did a series of interviews with pioneers of blogging. Serious, interesting stuff. But I wouldn't call that a blog. Q: It's oral history. A: Yeah, and I'm not saying that because it's not a blog it's not good. When I tried to quantify what I meant by a blog, I said "it has an editorial voice." Q: But what about voice interfaces, would that lower the barrier to entry? A: I think they're pretty widespread already...

Q: What about blogging in other formats--mobile devices, etc.? A: That's just like the question about audio and voice. I don't think I could display a blog on this device and I know I couldn't write one on it. Maybe it could be done but I'm not an expert.

IMHO, Dave should give Audlink a listen (on a regular basis) and imagine where this could go.  Today Audlink is where all the "cool kids" , audiobloggers hang out (at least it contains a hangout that we can all link to, find, see and click to listen).  Where will the "cool kids" be tomorrow?  My bets are with the service(s) that embrace the best user creation tools with the best of breed discovery services of the new user created free medias online world.[Audio/Mobile Blogging News]

8:12:45 AM    comment []

HP Extends RISC, Itanium Server Lines, Offers New Migration Services

Hewlett-Packard on Monday unveiled several new servers and storage devices aimed at beefing up its industry-standard hardware offerings.  [CRN.com : Breaking News]

8:08:57 AM    comment []

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