Most excellent... rock along to the Small Pieces Loosely Joined wiki to participate in the development of and (if you're up for it) the actual 'presentation' of Small Technologies Loosely Joined: "Fast, Cheap and Out of Control"... the latest Lamb, Levine and Norman production!
The last one was good... darn good, this looks like it's going to be better!
The task, as I see it, is to take a position (or contribute to a range of positions) on whether decentralization or centralization is the way to go in these educational technology-dominated age. Please don't anyone say 'both'... that's too obvious... join me, instead, on a quest to out these power-hungry, fearful, soulless, bean-counting, mechanistic control freaks for what they really are ;o)
A city is not a tree and neither are wee!
Will that get me fired? Should I invite my boss along?
Here's the Downes Meta-Blog (no meta RSS link tho) ... I have subscribed to an RSS feed of recent changes to the wiki and hope to not be as disappointed as I was by my last wiki RSS subscription... 'tis a shame they don't have individual page feeds or email though../. butyacan'thaveevereything!
3:48:16 PM