torsdag 03. juli 2003
Tools reveal secret life of documents. Technology that tracks the changes made to documents is becoming much more widely used.
Mr Murfitt from Mekon said many firms were now looking at installing systems that make it easier to collaborate on documents and that log who did what.

He said banking and legal regulators imposed strict working practices on firms that force them to record the life histories of documents that result in new products or are involved in court cases.

But, he added, other firms were putting in place document tracking systems to help teams work together.

Often these systems use a single copy of a document that workers comment on, correct or annotate before a final edit.

"That's where collaboration becomes really useful," he said.

[BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]
2:28:14 PM  #  

Virtuelle fingre

Reaching Through the Net to Touch. Scientists are developing devices that let people share their sensation of touch with anyone connected to the Net. It's perhaps creepy, but the technology could have wide applications.
"We've been running a telemedicine program here, and the biggest problem we find is that physicians here can't palpate the patient. It's the major problem for accurate diagnoses in telemedicine we've encountered. So I started looking into how we might do that."
By Daithí Ó hAnluain. [Wired News]

Virtual-reality tool quantifies the physics of a doctor's touch: Benefits include faster emergency diagnosis

"A doctor's hands are two of the most important diagnostic tools he or she has, allowing the physician to detect subtle signs of disease or injury just by touching a patient.

Exercising that expertise always has required the presence of two individuals in the same physical space at the same time: doctor and patient

Until now."

2:26:17 PM  #  
VET Learning Object Repository - Green Paper Discussion. From the article, "The purpose of the VET (Australian Vocational Education and Training) Learning Objects Green Paper is to seek responses and invite discussion from a range of stakeholders on relevant issues surrounding Learning Object Repositories. While the paper provides an overview of learning objects and related issues of metadata and granularity, it is not the intention of this paper to add to the 'What is a learning object?' dialogue, but rather to focus on the demystification of learning objects and to create a better understanding of how they can be used within the VET sector." By Ian Kenny, Australian Flexible Learning Community, July 1, 2003 [Refer][Research][Reflect] [OLDaily]
11:54:12 AM  #  
Knowledge Representation Timeline (via Jim McGee). A person could get lost in this resource for a VERY long time. Excellent.

[ Via elearnspace blog]
10:11:41 AM  #  
wwwtools: Role playing games are amazingly popular. Teachers are using them in very constructive ways to assist learning. Check out some ideas at
8:46:25 AM  #