onsdag 09. juli 2003
macosxhints pick of the week
12:52:32 PM  #  
The Flying Cow fra Mediafarm. Jeg fikk 310 p. på første forsøk og kom på highscorelista!!!
10:27:29 AM  #  
Sakset fra Davenet: Citizen bloggers in New Hampshire? This is an op-ed piece I've written for The Harvard Crimson, the student newspaper of Harvard College. I've asked for permission to distribute it via email and to post it on my essay site, and they said yes. Because of space constraints in print, this version is slightly longer.
9:22:26 AM  #  
Stephen Downes: The LOM RDF binding. Presentations and draft meeting minutes for the IEEE learning Technology Subcommittee meetings held in Chicago a couple of weeks ago are now online. Of greatest interest to me is this presentation, available as a PowerPoint, summarizing the Learning Object Metadata (LOM) RDF binding effort. Three use cases are presented, including my RSS-LOM specification. By Mikael Nilsson, IEEE-LTSC, June 19, 2003 [Refer][Research][Reflect] [OLDaily]
9:15:30 AM  #  
Ubiquity: A Web-based publication of the ACM, Volume 4, Number 20, Week of July 7, 2003
Why New Ideas are Both Disruptive and Necessary

Management consultant Laurence Prusak on Idea Practitioners, organizational fads, and where to look for new ideas (surprise! It's not on the Net).

9:09:57 AM  #  
Via Stephen Downes: ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind. ...ATutor software is available for limited FREE use under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). ATutor will run on any system with PHP and MySQL installed. ATutor offers schools, institutions, publishers, and businesses an economical way to put their instructional materials on the Web.
9:07:07 AM  #  
Why isn't Manila more like Radio?. OK, rather pointless question really but one that springs to mind anyway... what I'd really like to do is to set up Manila here (at Deakin) in Harvard-esque manner (so deakin email addys can set up Manila-based weblogs). Now... reckon that won't be too tricky... my main issue is with Manila... I can show an academic Radio and hey, away we all go...easy peasy... with Manila tho' I've played around a bit on Schoolblogs and it 'aint easy to replicate the smooth-radio-blogging experience. [James Farmer's Radio Weblog]
8:59:23 AM  #