tirsdag 08. juli 2003
Har du hørt om "Online Compulsive Disorder"? Jeg inrømmer at jeg kjente meg i gjen i noen av situasjonene beskrevet her. Da jeg ble uten bredbåndstilknytning for noen uker siden gikk jeg rundt meg selv. Det store spørsmålet nå er tar jeg med laptopen på ferie?
The Lure of Data: Is It Addictive?.
"It's like a dopamine squirt to be connected," said Dr. Ratey, who compares the sensations created by constantly being wired to those of narcotics [~] a hit of pleasure, stimulation and escape. "It takes the same pathway as our drugs of abuse and pleasure."

"It's an addiction," he said, adding that some people cannot deal with down time or quiet moments. "Without it, we are in withdrawal."

12:33:26 PM  #  
Screens With a Clear View. Dette er det 3 av 5 om design av eLæring i The eLearning Developers Journal. Skrevet av Michael Allen, far til Authorware som senere ble en halvdel i Macromedia.
One of the most important jobs of the e-Learning designer is to give learners a clear picture of their tasks. In this week's article, Screens With a Clear View (which is Part 3 of a Design Techniques series), Michael Allen argues that the principles of good learner interface design go far beyond the guidelines that apply to Web sites and software applications. Find out how to make your interfaces transparent and help learners achieve their goal.
Han har også skrevet boken Michael Allen's Guide to E-Learning. Building Interactive, Fun and Effective Learning Programs for Any Company. Kanskje en burde lese denne, det er jammen ikke mye e-læring som det er morro å lære med! Nettstedet hvor du kan bestille CD-romen som tilhører boken finner du her.

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9:52:24 AM  #