Rebecca's Blog
Mostly news stories or articles of interest in the future to me. I'll eventually get around to adding my own ideas and stories on a more regular basis.


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  Monday, December 15, 2003

Rebecca's ten tips for a better weblog Great principles (ah, the Rebecca's...).  Not that I follow them, but they're good to remember.  :)
Comments9:00:42 PM    

From [Reforming Project Management] - Build Trust on Your Team.  This article pointed to some notes on Granting Trust. Try the exercises on your project. We think Pat Lencioni hit the nail on the head...the foundation of all high performing teams is trust. There is nothing more important for you to do as a project manager than to build and preserve trust among your team.

Trusting others is the path to project success.

We can't do projects by ourself. Projects by definition take more than one person. Some of those people may be strangers. If we can't do a project by ourself and we have to do them with strangers, then we must trust and produce trust to be successful.

Granting others our trust is the key act for getting more done than we can do ourselves. (Ok, that's obvious. But trusting is NOT obvious.) Trust is a compound assessment of someone's capacity to perform for you.1 Trust is four assessments in one:

  1. When we say, "I trust" we are acknowledging a person's competence to perform successfully in a domain of action.
  2. Granting trust also means that the person has shown a pattern of reliability in performing as promised. This is different from the first assessment in that while someone may be competent, the person might not follow-thru.
  3. Next, we grant trust when a person acts on our concerns or interests as his own. One needs to be involved in another's life before the person will make that assessment.
  4. Last, we grant trust to those who appear sincere. Notice the word 'appear'. We can't know that someone is sincere or insincere. We only have signs that an individual's private thoughts are consistent with their public statements.

I think I hear the word trust tossed a lot in and out of the work place, but I think the above applies to either.  I actually like the idea of thinking of whether I can trust someone for certain things rather than a blanket expression for a person. 

Comments8:58:27 PM    

My horoscope today says "Never underestimate the power of a change in scenery.  If your inner voice is urging you to leave town and doing so is within the realm of possibility, then you really ought to consider deferring to its counself." 


Comments4:35:17 PM    

Alice Roosevelt Longworth. "I have a simple philosophy. Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. And scratch where it itches."

I think my philosophy would be a little longer.  Here're my random things I try to live by:

- Hug, because you can and it makes both people feel better.
- Be sincere and honest with your friends.  It's not always easy, but it's the only way to make a friendship work and ... it helps both you and the other person believe that people are okay to trust with your heart.
- Don't undervalue $$, but don't make it your #1. 
- Speak up for yourself.
- Sing even if you're in a crappy mood.
- Savor baby kisses and laughter.  They're given because they truly want to give them...and people grow out of that too fast.
- Realize you have control.  For example, if you are hating work, realize that it's up to you to leave or change your actions to make it into something that you don't hate.  Saying "i hate work" every day will not fix it.
- Tell people that you care about them.  And be specific with the things you are unique to them.   Hearing "I love you" is nice, but to me it's even nicer to hear "I love that when I'm with you, you make me laugh."

I could go on, but work calls.


Comments10:06:13 AM    

Calvin and Hobbes for 15 Dec 1992.

[Calvin and Hobbes]


Comments9:45:00 AM    

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