Rebecca's Blog
Mostly news stories or articles of interest in the future to me. I'll eventually get around to adding my own ideas and stories on a more regular basis.


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  Thursday, December 18, 2003

Johann Georg von Zimmermann. "Never lose sight of this important truth, that no one can be truly great until he has gained a knowledge of himself, a knowledge which can only be acquired by occasional retirement."

Sometimes we have to step back from everything and try to remember who we are, where we're going and see what's in our way.  If you're just going headlong into it, sometimes the fog gets in the way.

Comments4:50:57 PM    

Paul Valery. "What others think of us would be of little moment did it not, when known, so deeply tinge what we think of ourselves."

Ah, opinions.  They matter so much more and so much less than they should. 

Comments4:50:06 PM    

Killer origami. Amazing gallery of spectacular origami. Link (Thanks, Kate!)
[Boing Boing Blog]
Comments4:43:54 PM    

haha!  Link

Comments4:35:39 PM    

"It was a nice funeral" - Such an odd expression.

I feel weak for having a broken heart for all the broken hearts around me. SO hard to not feel their pain.  And worse, to not be able to make it better.  Maybe loving my family and friends will make a difference.  Love = a funny thing.

Comments3:00:06 PM    

She looks like at any moment that she could run out and jump in the snow.  Frolic, if you will.  And spin.  Ah, how that girl loves to spin.  Dizzy, racing heart, energy-flowing and moving beyond her lines.  Maybe some folks can spin inside the lines, but then their focus is on the lines and not the movement and the energy is used and not created.  Faster, faster, faster,...and she tumbles.  It's all good.  The snow catches her like a fancy blanket, but drenches her in moisture, rather than warmth.  The water makes her feel full and fresh and alive.  Water with its cycle and perpetual uses and reuses and reuses.  The water never dies. And maybe if she gets enough water she'll become part of the process and she'll never die.  She'll  To just be and not be spinning and running and laughing and ... crying.  To just be and just know and just have and just continue. Just.  A four-letter word that overly-simplifies. That overly-narrows the "just-ness" of it all.  You just missed her.  It's just a party.  It's just beautiful. Just. She just wants to be happy. If she says just, she's not asking for a lot.  As snowflakes hit her on the nose and blur her eye-lashes, the water becomes a part of her...even if she can’t be a part of the water.  She’s just a girl.  A girl.   

Comments9:52:39 AM    

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Last update: 2/8/2005; 2:15:12 PM.

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