Jon Mead and I are co-presenting two slots at the upcoming UKOUG Conference and Exhibition, which runs from 8th - 10th December at the ICC, Birmingham.
The first presentation is entitled "Oracle 9i OLAP Uncovered", and we've put together the first draft of the white paper and presentation for revue. Take a look and let us know if there's anything you'd like us to add or change.
The second presentation, "Upgrading Business Intelligence Software To 9iAS" is in the works at the moment, and we'll post the papers up on this site in a week or so's time. They'll both be available for download from the UKOUG website after the conference but this is an opportunity for an advance peek.
I will also be on the Business Intelligence Panel, along with Ian Hayman from InGroup, on Tuesday, so pop along with any questions about BI & DW on the Oracle platform.
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