I just got an email from former Greensboro mayorial candidate Roch Smith, a guy that I admire and trust. I had sent him an advance notice of my filing for office last week and in it I related that I am "for the Fed Ex hub" coming to Greensboro if the water quality permit is upheld on appeal.
When he didn't respond right away I sent a "feeler" email this morning asking if I had angered him for stating my qualified position. Roch replied that, no, he wasn't angry, just dissappointed. Being as verbose as I, he went on to lay out why he is dissapponted in me with some amazing statistics and facts surrounding the project. I will share the email in its entirity if he gives permission. But suffice it to say for now that his arguments are powerful! One of which is:
"Unfortunately, the environmental permits are granted with essentially the same argument over and over again: "Yes, air pollution will get worse with the hub, and yes, water pollution will get worse with the hub, but they are going to get worse anyway, so why not?" (One reason not to, is that if we don't clean up our air, the Feds will cut highway funding to the area.)
I wrote back with this question, " Is there a way to bring in Fed Ex AND mitigate the environmental impact? Or is it one or the other?" I'm looking forward to his considered reply.
In my mind, FedEx is a double edged sword. Good for our economy, bad for our environment. It boils down to this: If we don't have jobs, no one will want to live here. If we don't have good air to breathe and clean water to drink, no one will be able to live here.
This is going to take some more thought and study.
10:30:47 AM  