The Aycock Neighborhood has been putting on a luminaire display for many years but this year's promises to be even better than any in the past.
With some funds from the Building Stronger Neighborhoods Foundation, we have been able to offer some real "extras" during neighborhood functions all year. The grant we received funded logo t-shirts for everyone and all of the fixins for our annual Summer Picnic. During our National Night Out event back in September we were able to have great food and a jazz band on hand.
This Sunday evening starting at 6:00 we will light luminaries that will fill the neighborhood and connect to the Fisher Park display at the Hendrix Street Bridge but then the fun begins!
From 6:15 until 8:00 we will have the Greensboro Barbershop Chorus strolling the 'hood singing Holiday favorites. Their gig will end with an 8:15 performance at the community room at St. Leo's Place at 820 Cypress St. accompanied by cider, cocoa and cookies.
We have also hired the Fellowship Farms Haywagon to take everyone on hay rides through the neighborhood.
We would love to have some visitors so come on by my house (108 Cypress St.) before taking a stroll or a ride, libations will be plentiful on my or any front porch that you choose to visit. I promise you a great time!
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