Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:04:10 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Needless to say there is a lot of email and phone chatter among Aycock Middle School parents about the possibility of us being the first Guilford County school to require uniforms be worn by all students.

My school board representative, Deena Hayes, has responded to a parent's inquiry.  Before doing so, Hayes asked for an opinion from Seraph, a security and consulting firm, to see what they thought of the issue... their response:

We have researched this issue for more than 6 years. In the schools that have uniforms we found two things:
  1. Reduction in negative and violent behavior between 40-65%
  2. Parents did not complain as much as the administration expected.
  3. No law suits where brought.
We also provide consulting for schools on how to develop and execute a uniform program.
I hope this helps....  Dale (Yeager... see comments... yuk... thanks Booster)

Well actually Dale, that was three things.  The first point can't be proven and the other two have no bearing on the issue other than they might ease the minds of decision makers, but anyway... with this in hand Ms. Hayes responded to the parent: (paragraph separation added):

This is the gentleman that gave a safety presentation at the NCSB (North Carolina School Board Association) meeting two years ago.  

Uniformity in dress codes have been traditional concepts in African American private schools.  Imani Institute and the Seventh Day Adventist- African American private/charter schools here in Greensboro have uniforms.  African American children are being seduced and exploited with fashion and it is an huge distraction and has not been displayed as positive imaging for many of our children. 

While I am sure that there is information supporting and denouncing uniforms, I totally support the idea and I think Mr. Price's efforts to be innovative and strategic regarding school culture and student behavior should be commended and supported.

Thanks, Deena

To which I replied:

"... There are many many children at Aycock who are NOT "being seduced and exploited with fashion"... both black and white.  They are well-behaved, respectful and are simply trying to get an education and I would argue that they are in the vast majority of the school's population.  How will uniforms improve those children's education?  Why should the majority be subjected to measures that their behavior did not precipitate?

Aycock is a "school of choice" for 1/3 of its population (Spanish Immersion and Level III AL).  How will school uniforms be accepted by these families?  Will it cause them to go elsewhere thereby shattering the very diversity that the entire school celebrates?... 

my response is continued here... which goes on to question the veracity of the consultant's opinion... "Take their opinions with a grain of salt.   Look deeper..."

It doesn't appear that Hayes wants or needs any research to cloud her opinions about what ails our schools and the best ways to remedy it.  Also, I voted for Deena Hayes but she fails to demonstrate the fact that she represents families of more than one race.  I have condemned a certain County Commissioner for holding similar attitudes.

While I certainly understand Hayes' passion and concern for "her kids" (middle of page), who is supposed to hold passion and concern for my kids? 

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