Today I went for a paddle through the wharfs around Nelson. Yesterday it rained and blew all day. A big storm has been making its way up the country. The forcast for today was more of the same so when I woke this morning to blue skys I was pleased.
By 10am it was still clear so I checked the forcast again. 'Occasional showers'. I still had blue skys. I loaded the kayak and drove towards town. The plan was to get some photos around Port Nelson, but apparently the 'occasion' the occasional showers were waiting had arrived. I was halfway there (about 10 minutes down the road) when I had to turn the windscreen wipers to full. I just started bucketing down. 'Just a shower' I said to myself, and kept driving. Arriving at the port I was greeted by bluesky again! A southerly breeze was there but not enough to put me off.
I paddled south through the harbour into the wind and a choppy sea, but soon tucked in under the wharfs, behind huge hulls of container ships, where the water was calm and the light surprisingly good.
 This shot is my desktop wallpaper today

I've had a 'thing' for wharfs for a while now... Heres some other wharf pictures I've taken in the past. Mapua Wharf , French Pass Wharf , and even a 3D model of Fishermans Wharf on Rocks Road created with Bryce.
6:15:53 PM