Today we finally kayaked a good portion of the Motueka river. The river was back to its normal level since the last time we vistied it. Shane, Devon and I were all up for it today and we had driven to the Baton Bridge put-in by about 10.30am... we were ready for a big day! And a great day we had. We did three runs in all. The first 5-6 km after the Baton Bridge was run twice, then we did about 15km from the Baton Bridge, to the spot where the Graeme River joins the Motueka River. This last section had a rapid in it we have now dubbed "Shane's Chute". Shane swam on this fast and narrow rapid and I caught it on video.
Heres Devon showing how its done on "Shane's Chute"

Spring is a bueatiful time to be paddling this river. Note the snow on the mountain in the back-ground of this shot. The water felt like freshly melted snow!

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