After another stinking hot day at work I escaped this afternoon, to the beach to finally test fly the new kite I picked up on Saturday. I'm also happy to finally have a decent photo of my stack of excaliburs in flight. I asked a fellow kite flyer if they would take my camera and get a photo of them from the other end of the lines. So heres a picture of my kites in full flight from the view I don't usually see, (the new one is the all-black one nearest me, the flyer). Each one of these kites is 2.2 meters from wingtip to wingtip. I am happy to say they pull like a train, in even the light sea-breeze I flew in today. After about an hour of getting acustomed to flying the extra kite, my arms felt like jelly, and I think they are slightly longer too. Wait till I use these with the buggy at Muriwai! I feel a new personal best, top speed coming on... ;D

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